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The Oceans Surrounding Espiritu Santo, Vanuatu

The Oceans Surrounding Espiritu Santo, Vanuatu

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The western pacific island of Espiritu Santo! Espiritu Santo is an island that makes up the country of Vanuatu. It exists in the southwestern pacific ocean. It is incredibly far from land. Many marine animals from this isle migrated from Australia or other surrounding areas. The isle is approximately 3689.68 from mainland Vietnam. That is the closest to a continent that is considered “mainland”. It is a mere 998.36 miles from the Australian province of Queensland. It is also approximately 3343.68 nautical miles from the Antarctica. Vanuatu is extremely biodiverse due to it being in the Indo-western region. The island exists in the Pacific Ocean. One of the most infamous of these flashy creatures is the Greater Blue-ringed octopus. This is a species of venomous octopus which lives off the island. It is incredibly well known for its beautiful beaches. It is a popular destination for snorkelling & scuba diving enthusiasts. A factor as to why this is, is that they have beautiful shallow coral reefs that line most of the island. It has a diverse set of marine flora as well. This sets up a beautiful ecological complex for many species. This is why many species migrate to Espiritu Santo. The result of all of this is a beautiful, vibrant, biodynamic ecosystem. In this article we will discuss the salinity, temperature, marine geography & terrain, the most important marine ecosystems, the documented marine flora & fauna, & the utilization of marine resources of the island. With that being said, let us delve into the island of Santo.

The Salinity, Temperature, Tides, Basic Information, & Marine Geography Of Espiritu Santo

Since Espiritu santo is in the Pacific ocean it has a lesser salinity level then say the Atlantic Ocean. Salt deposits are not common around the island. The exact salinity level of the water surrounding the island has not officially been released. However, since the average salinity of the water in the southwestern Pacific is 35 parts per thousand at any given time, it can be assumed that the salinity level is somewhere around that. Salinity is measured in 1,000 grams. For every 1000 grams of water there will be a certain number of grams that are pure salt. There are also No current on going factors that would affect the salinity levels in such a harsh way that the salinity would change. It is also unknown the deepest oceanic point around the island. The water temperature for the oceans around the island can be found on a variety of websites. The most trustworthy are,, & The tidal charts can be found on these following websites; https://www.tide-forecast,, & The tides as far as can be seen are not usually over 5.4 feet (1.64592 meters) high. There are not many currents around the island & they are not in danger of forming without warning. The riptide is not dangerous & there is often not high surf. However just because the seas are usually calm does not mean it is not heavily advised to listen to the coastal guard of Vanuatu. Pollution is not bad enough to cause any danger to humans. Many recreational activities such as swimming, surfing, scuba diving, & snorkelling take place here. There are a total of 7 marine protected areas of Vanuatu. These marine protected zones collectively make up 0.008% of Vanuatu’s national waters. As for marine geography the island usually does not have very many sea mounts due to how shallow the water is. The bottom of the oceanic floor in these areas are very often sand, coral, rock, or hardened mud. The island also has approximately 200.53 Nautical/Marine miles (230.811834 miles or 371.45564 kilometers) of coastline.

The Main Marine Ecosystems Of Espiritu Santo

Coral Reefed Areas

Coral reefs are the most infamous of the ecosystems of Vanuatu. The coral reefs nearby are usually within 30 feet of surface level & are fringing rather then barrier. They are absolutely beautiful & attract millions of dollars in tourism each year. These areas serve as a home, a habitat, & a hunting ground for many creatures. Not to mention that the coral itself is alive. There are currently 296 coral species that have been identified. 24 of these species have not been recorded as being found in the great barrier reef. This means that these species have migrated from elsewhere or are completely unique to the region. These coral reefs however, are often damaged or in poor condition. This is mainly due to human activity & invasive species being introduced.

Seagrass Beds

There is no specific place that these types of ecosystems are found, this type of ecosystem is incredibly versatile. However they are usually found along the coast or in tidal areas. Many different types of vertebrates & invertebrates are found here. Usually smaller animals are found here, this makes this ecosystem extremely fragile. Usually, this is an area where animals such as sea horses & most tropical & subtropical fish species give birth. It consists mostly of seagrass, clumps of mud, & the occasional rock formation. This is also can area where most animals can hide. So it is extremely important when venturing through areas like this to watch out for Blue-Ringed Octopi.

The Documented Marine Flora Of The Espiritu Santo

The Marine Flora of Espiritu santo is increasingly becoming more diverse & more threatened. Many species are being threatened due to not enough protection & ocean acidification. They have approximately 2 species of seagrass however the exact species have not been released to the public domain at the time of publication. Coral will not be counted in this section due to it technically classifying as an animal. Micro-algae & species of the like will also not be discussed. During an expedition in 2006 around the island, many species of green algae were discovered to be in the water. Approximately 276 species of green algae were described to be in the area. The basic reason for this is due to great climate & proteins existing the water in a higher density then elsewhere. This goes for most of Oceania. There are no known endemic marine flora species however that does not mean that they do not exist. There are no kelp species that are found around the island, the closest species is around Southern Australia.

The Documented Marine Fauna Of Espiritu Santo

Marine fauna around this isle is absolutely stunning & biodiverse. Many species migrate to this area due to the great climate, nutrients, abundance of food, & the environmental stability. These species may migrate to Australia & back for mating cycles or to built colonies outwards. Unfortunately, many of these species happen to be endangered. The most notable example of this is the Dugong Dugon (Dugong) & the Dermochelys Coriacea (Leatherback turtle). However there are many government & private conservation efforts & projects that are currently taking place. The most prominent marine fauna species that live around Espiritu santo are as follows: Dermochelys Coriacea (Leatherback turtle), Dungong Dugon (Dugong), various species of whales, 35 coral mushroom species, Lutjanus argentimaculatus (Mangrove red snapper), Caranax Ignobilis (Giant Trevally), Coryphaena Hippurus (Common Dolphinfish), & Gymnosarda Unicolor (dogtooth tuna). There are thousands of small tropical fish species that can be seen in the shallow coral reefs. However since there are so very many of these species we will not be discussing them.

How The Marine Resources Of Espiritu Santo Were Utilized

The Marine Resources of this island were most often utilized for commercial fishing. This of course, harmed the wildlife severely. This proves once again that most often humans will negatively influence the wildlife. However, this is not always purposeful. Another way that the marine resources are currently used is for ecological tourism purposes. They are very beautiful & are surreal to look at. This makes eco-tourism a large part of the tourism sector.

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