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The Oceans Surrounding Carricou Island, Grenada

Today’s article will be about the oceans surrounding Carriacou Island, Grenada. This island is 877 Kilometers (544 Miles) off of the coast of Venezuela, in the Caribbean Sea. In this article we will discuss the main marine ecosystems, the salinity & temperature, the marine flora & fauna, the nearby underwater cave-systems, & how pollution & ocean acidification are affecting these waters. The Caribbean Sea is a diverse & beautiful part of the ocean, yet at times it can become terrifying. Carriacou Island is the largest island of the Vincentian & Grenadine Islands. Its oceans are known for its tropical lagoons, & colorful coral paradise. Now let us delve into the waters that surround Carriacou Island, Grenada.

The Salinity Levels, Temperatures, Tides, & Marine Geography Of Carriacou Island

The yearly average warmest water temperature for the island is 29° Celsius or 84° Fahrenheit. The temperature usually rests at 27° Celsius to 29° Celsius year round. The highest tides usually don’t get larger than 1.2 meters. The riptide is relatively nonexistent in this area. The waves are calm & the waters are relatively peaceful in terms of current. There are larger salt deposits around the island, as well as higher salinity levels. It is recommended that one hydrates before & after swimming in these waters. These waters are usually clear & shallow. There are many dive sites on the island has the coral reefs make it a hot spot. Quoting “Grenada’s little sister, Carriacou, offers some of the best diving in the Caribbean.”. There are over 30 dive sites as of 2022. Within 5 nautical miles the waters get as deep as 3280.8 feet deep. From 304 meters (1000 feet) around the island the water only appears to get 10 meters (32.8 feet) deep. It is important to note that the island is only 13.13 square miles. These waters are a part of the Caribbean Sea. The waters either have coral reefs or are sandy flats.

The Marine Ecosystems Of Carriacou Island

There are many marine ecosystems of the island however we will only be covering the main ones. The word “Carriacou” means isle of the reefs, as there are many many coral reefs that surround the island.

Coral Reef

There are many small coral reefs that surround the island. Most reside in shallow lagoons around the island & can be seen from the beach. It is not fully documented exactly how many species of coral are found here. However a few of the documented species are as follows: Great Star Coral (Montastrea Cavernosa), Mountainous Star Coral (Orbicella faveolata), Mustard Hill Coral (Porites Asteroides), Grooved Brain Coral (Diploria Labyrinthiformis), & Massive Starlet Coral (Diploria Labyrinthiformis). This ecosystem can be found anywhere from 1.5 meters deep (5 feet) to 6 meters deep (19.688 Feet). Many species can be found living here as this is objectively the most diverse marine ecosystem of the island.

Sand Flats

This ecosystem is mostly sandy coastal areas. This ecosystem is found closest to the shoreline & is home to many marine invertebrates. Occasionally you may find different types of seagrasses here. This area is mostly a barren sand area. This ecosystem is closest to shore however it can be found farther out at sea.

Mangrove Forests

Originally there weren’t many mangrove trees however thanks to Seacology in 2017 they approved a project to plant a mangrove forest on the island. This ecosystem is extremely important to turtles as they lay eggs in these mangrove forests. These forests can be found lining the northeast sides of the island. However it is recommended to be careful if you do venture into these mangrove forests as they can be extremely dangerous due to wildlife & other things.

Kelp Beds

These ecosystems can be found near the tidal or coastal areas. They have large amounts of kelp or sea grass & typically hold things like small fish & marine invertebrates such as crabs or even octopi. These areas are also found further out at sea where they are prime hunting grounds for things like octopi.

The Documented Marine Flora Of Carriacou Island

Marine vegetation is incredibly important to our oceans. Unfortunately, around Carriacou Island the marine vegetation is not very well documented at all. Many creatures depend on things like kelp or coral to survive. There’s an odd pattern to the lesser Antilles. Plants that were recorded in one place in the 1960s seem to be migrating to other places, like Carriacou Island. Beds of seagrasses seem to be migrating from Barbados towards Carriacou Island. However this isn’t just towards Carriacou, they are migrating away from the island as well. Unfortunately, there is no complete list of marine flora species for the island. However, a graph was made showing the areas where certain ecosystems & marine flora can be found. This graph was made by a certain Christina Giovas.

The Documented Marine Fauna Of Carriacou Island

There are hundreds of marine animal species that inhabit the waters around Carriacou. Carriacou island has many ecosystems that make this a desirable location for migration. One of these animals is the Leatherback Sea Turtle. This turtle is the largest living turtle that is currently alive. Quoting “Grenada has 233 marine species, 69 marine/brackish water species, and several species of sea birds as well as 17 freshwater species on the main island.” Unfortunately they do not reveal the list of these 233 documented marine species, however it is comforting to know that there is an actual number.

How Both Pollution & Ocean Acidification Are Affecting Carriacou Island

Unfortunately, pollution has already taken a large toll on the marine wildlife of Grenada. For a while, there were no official regulations against plastic products being thrown in the ocean. Thankfully this was fixed eventually, but unfortunately many animals are dead or were chased out of the area out due to this issue. Carriacou Island is famous for its coral reefs as its name means “Isle Of The Reefs”. However due to ocean acidification, that coral is slowly bleaching. You see, ocean acidification is caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have increased, largely because of human-caused burning of fossil fuels, and deforestation, for the past 150 years. When carbon dioxide contacts sea water, it forms carbonic acid. Carbonic acid gives off positive H+ ions, which causes increased oceanic H+ concentrations and decreased oceanic Ph. However there are signs that its effects are tapering off. As we are seeing an increase in coral population & seeing more coral coverage than ever before. Another reason that the coral of Carriacou could be flourishing now more than ever, is that there is much more seagrass around. As carbon dioxide fills up our air, most of it gets absorbed into the oceans. As the kelp or seagrass grows it encapsulates the carbon that dissolved into the water & produces more oxygen. This could be a key in helping relieve the effects of ocean acidification in the long term.

Our Conclusion

Carriacou Island had an incredibly diverse & beautiful marine environment. This isle of reefs is a key part of our remaining coral on earth. More kelp should be planted around the island to combat ocean acidification. This is an absolutely beautiful island that should have more prevalence in modern-day Caribbean tourism.

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