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What exactly does your organization do & what is it's mission?

We are dedicated to raising ocean literacy, protecting the ocean through education, conservation, & public involvement. As of 2024, we run our marine biological science communication newsletter The Persaud Catalog which published 5 times per month at least, we publish online courses, & we conduct public marine biological conservation events in California. We are a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, based in the U.S.

What exactly are your online courses?

We believe in protecting the ocean through conservation, & education. Education about the sea is essential to conservation, as people cannot understand the needs of the sea & its creatures if they do not understand our ocean & its creatures. We currently have 3 available online courses, with 4 more under construction to be released soon. Our courses vary in topic, however, they typically are about oceanic animals, as people cannot understand the needs of these animals if they do not understand the animals in the first place. Our online courses can be found here.

What is the benefit of reading your newsletter?

Our newsletter, The Persaud Catalog, publishes approximately 5 times per month, with topics of articles ranging from individual marine animals, to how marine resources were used in different areas historically. In addition, we conduct interviews with marine scientists, ocean ecologists, conservationists, & science communicators alike to share the beauty, value, & wonder of the ocean & marine science with as many people as possible. We work our hardest to provide interesting, informative, & engaging articles to our supporters. 


Each of our articles can be found in the articles tab of our website, or to search for a specific article or topic, please use our navigational bar.

Where do you most frequently conduct beach cleanups & local conservation events? 

We semi-frequently conduct local conservation events, or beach cleanups, in Santa Monica, California. Each beach cleanup will be listed in the Events Calendar section of our website, or our Eventbrite profile. We typically limit our attendance for each group, so please be sure to register early & register everyone in your party!

Do you accept donations?

Yes! As a nonprofit organization, we gladly accept donations. Each donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. We currently accept donations both digitally and by check. For more information on how to donate to us, please visit the donations page of our website. Each person who donates over 65$ will receive a complementary foundation-branded mug! 


For patrons who wish to contribute on a more regular basis, please consider joining our organization as a member! For more information on memberships, please visit the memberships page of our website.

Which country are you registered in as a nonprofit?

We are a U.S. Registered 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation. For more information on exempt organizations in the U.S., please visit

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